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Pet Festival 2025

An exhibition of animal love, learning, joy, and creativity!

31/1 - 2/2/2025

Pavilions 5 & 6

For several years, Zootechnia has been hosting the highly successful Pet Festival, where pet owners and friends of all companion animals have the opportunity to learn about all aspects of cohabitation with their little friends.

This section presents topics related to the education, nutrition, and health of beloved animals, giving visitors the chance to meet professionals who will suggest the most modern services and the most suitable products.

Specifically, there is information about smart and educational accessories, various toys, grooming services, dog and cat hotels, and many other things that can make the life of each visitor’s little four-legged, feathered, or furry friend more enjoyable and easier. Additionally, specialists in this field discuss with interested parties their specific needs, offering them valuable information, while also encouraging them to participate in competitions held by the companies participating in the Pet Festival, with many prizes to be won.


Do you want to become an exhibitor?

Let’s discuss your participation in Zootechnia!